Sunday, December 9, 2007

Oh what a day.

Well I have survived the two busiest weeks of my life...I felt like I never saw anyone including Eric. But things slow down a little bit the next month until I start my block nights. But this is the life of a doctor (still don't feel like one.)

Well I wish I was as proficent at Ebay as Eric is. Because today we braved the world of Christmas shopping at the mall. And oh my gosh how annoying. First of all I hate Sears because we tried to get a bed and no one seemed to know what was going on. What has happened to customer service and assisting the customer. I felt like we talked to five different people and each person told a different story. But not only that but didn't seem to care that we needed help.

Once we left sad and mattress less we decided to walk around. I must say I love Christmas season but sometimes hate what it does to other people. I think that Christmas can bring the best out in people like charity and good will. And a better outlook on life. But it also brings out the worse. I think we sometimes loose sight of everything but the big sale and "finding the perfect gift." The mall was full of way to many people that just wanted to push and grab to get what they wanted.

But the day was made better by the finding of a XBOX 360. Its amazing how finding something you want can make your day. Eric has already loved every minute of playing the games.

Well this is my first blog and I must say some what cathartic. Sorry about the soap box, hope no one is offended. But I must say I hope everyone has a wonder Christmas season and enjoy the blessings in the life. I know I will. Iam excited about celebrating our first Christmas together as a married couple. I'm also excited to see Sandusky at Christmas. Merry Christmas to all.

1 comment:

BananaBuzzbomb said...

Hello! Just saw on the Poho Family's site that you two have a blog. Hope all is going well with you!