Monday, December 1, 2008

Pictures of our house! Finally!

I know, I know, I took my sweet time getting some pictures of our house up on our blog, but we were busy!

ok, here it is, 1318 Pearl st!


see, i do rake leaves!


I cant wait to open the pool back up again!


This was my Thanksgiving morning project.

I will be sure to try and get some shots of the interior.

Kicking off the holiday season!

Amy and I went to my aunt and uncles for thanks giving, the food is always amazing, and plenty of it. This year was no exception! I tried to eat my weight in mashed potatoes, while Amy was particularly fond of our cousins fruit salad. We had a great time catching up with family, and playing board games. Amy found a sweet spot on the couch and let the turkey do its thing! Later that evening we all pulled names for our annual secret Santa gift exchange, (ill tell you who i got later) All in all it was a fantastic family thanksgiving!

Friday night we decided to head downtown for the lighting ceremony, we met up with Randy and Shannon, and found Glen, and bumped into a bunch of family and friends!


Randy & Shannon


The Burns Family

The rest of the weekend, Amy and I spent Christmas shopping, and setting up our Christmas decorations for inside the house. We are so excited to be able to decorate our OWN house this year!

So it seems like we are off to a great start of this holiday season, I can't wait to see what it brings this year!

Thanks for Reading!
-Eric & Amy

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This time of the year...

Ah, the Holidays, It seems like they sneak up on us every year! This year is no different. We are getting ready to host Christmas at our house this year. Amy's family is flying in from Baton Rouge to spend a week with us, and there is a chance that her aunt Neen might join us too. So we should have a full house this Christmas, i cant wait!
We have both been busy at work. Amy, busy as usual, and I am in full gear getting ready for the holiday season at The Chapel. It seems all is well in our neck of the woods.
I keep meaning to post some pics of our house on here, but i always forget... The car situation has gotten better, i've figured out some of its quirks, and now we seem to get along, Plus i just bought some new rims for her! they look awesome!


... sorry got off topic there...

anywho, that's all for now. Thanks for Reading!

-Eric & Amy

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Uggh, I have had the wost luck with cars lately. I cant seem to get one that doesn't need 25K in repairs! Its so frustrating! At least the one I have now getts good gas mileage... over 35MPG, which is nice, considering its a hunk of crap. It would be a nice car... someday. I dont know if i want to put the money into it, i dont know if its worth it. I've always wanted one, and now it feels like a huge dissapointment. it gets me from point a-b (for the most part) and its some what reliable (for the most part) but i guess i am more frustrated with myself. I should know better than this. I always see a dimond in the rough when it comes to cars, i see something that someone else has thrown by the wayside, and say to myself, i can make that awesome... with time and money, 2 of which i dont have. story of my life. hey, atleast i made it look cool right?


Monday, August 18, 2008

We tasted Ohio,... And it was good.

The wine fest in downtown Sandusky kinda Crept up on us this year. Amy and I had been talking about how much we wanted to go, but hadn't heard anything about it, then found out it was this coming (now past) weekend. Lucky we didn't have plans and were able to attend with our good friends Randy and Shannon. (the newly weds)
All in all it was a great time, we drank some, tasted some food (the bread pudding from the yacht club...AMAZING!!) and got some sun. We ran into Heidi, and she snapped a pic of us! (thanks!)

Then we were destroyed later that night at our softball games. Randy still says it was the alcohols fault...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our Busy Lives...

Its been awhile since we last made a post, sorry for those of you who are DYING to know whats going on in our lives! (haha) To honestly say whats been going on... we don't know, we have just been busy and we really don't have anything to show for it. Amy and I were at dinner the other night, and we were commenting on the situation of how busy we felt, but then we looked in a little deeper, and found that, we really don't know why? strange how that sometimes turns out. Oh well.

We had a BLAST at Randy and Shannon's wedding last Saturday. (besides the fact that is was 307 Degrees in my suit, and my pants were the size of a parachute) I really hope and pray that they will be happy! Congratulations again you two!

Well, I am back in the "Needing a car" game again. I think I am addicted to buying cars. I sold my 99 Grand am, and started looking for the next "browne mobile" There are a lot of options, I'm just so picky. but i guess thats a good thing.

Amy and I have been talking about getting back in a Bible study again, But for some reason its hard to find one that we can both be a part of. We are looking to join a young married couples, or something of the sorts, but as of right now, we can't find anything. Every one we have talked to about it, says "well why don't you start one?" Which would be fine, except we have led so many times, we just feel we want to be a "part" of one, and not lead for a change. I guess we shall see.

Oh, our busy lives!

I totally stole this from Heidi and David's flicker album! thanks guys!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday, June 16, 2008

OH NO!! I've been tagged!... i guess.

I've been tagged by Jen P.

The Rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names & why you tagged them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment saying “You’re it!” & to go read your blog. You cannot tag the person that tagged you, so since you’re not allowed to tag me back; let me know when you are done so I can go read YOUR weird/random/odd facts, habits and goals.

1. Weird fact - I have no thumb knuckles. its true.

2. Habits - when day dreaming, or just kinda drifting off, i make random fart noises with my mouth. and sometimes with my posterior end.

3. Fact - when i find time to sketch cars, i make revving noises when i draw them.

4. Fact - I HATE tomatoes, i think they are the devils food! Adam and Eve didn't fall eating apples, they fell eating TOMATOES!!! (but i love catchup)

5. Fact - my head is fart to big for normal hats.

6. Fact - i left a floater in the third stall.

7. Random - i secretly want to be on American idol.

8. Fact - there aren't enough bad words in the English language to convey my distaste of Tila Tequila

9. Random - I'm still a kid at heart, if you come to my house and hit the channel recall button, it will always go back to Cartoon Network.

10. Habit - I often forget who I'm calling by the time the tone sounds for the voice message.

The six people I chose to try to complete this difficult task:
1. Joey
2. Casey
3. Shannon
4. Rebecca
5. Dustin
6. Chad

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!! And you know what that means! Garage Sales galore! and our house is no different! We are going to be having a huge multi-family garage sale at our house on May 17th (saturday)

Amy and I have discovered we own way to much stuff! (and so do all of our friends) So we invited a bunch of friends and family to participate in our spring cleaning garage sale... It sounds like its going to be big! so far we have 5 different house holds bringing over stuff to sell! i cant wait to get rid of it all so i can start using my garage...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Home

Well its official we are finally in our new home. We moved in last weekend. We have found that we have way more stuff than we knew. This last week we have been making each room our home. Eric found hardwood in our dining room and sanded and stained it. It looks amazing. We painted 5 of the 7 rooms. Its finally starting to feel like home. We will be having a garage sale soon. But we are just excited to be in our own house and make it ours.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

has it realy been a month?

wow, seems like just yesterday I made a post on here. Time flies when your.... doing what we do. (whatever that is) The holiday season has taken its toll on us, well at least me. I really need to get back on my work out schedule, and diet. I feel bloated. Amy and I have been contiplating getting a Ymca membership, but were dragging our feet. we (I) really want to get a home gym system, but we just have no where to put it. (we need a new house)

And how about this unseasonal weather? whats that all about?

About our housing situation, we are still looking. A friend of ours just told us she was getting back into the real estate game, and that she would help us out. I think we are just nervous about buying a house, all the responsibility that it comes with. We did make a pro/con list, and the pros heavily outweighed the cons, so i guess thats good. It is a lot of money but, we do spend a lot on rent every month, and we could put that towards a house. I don't know its just alot to think about and take in.
We have decided to start looking at houses in march when it warms up, plus Amy will be off of nights. who knows what the next months will bring?

later all!
reading: I am legend by Richard Matheson
Listening : Regina Spektor