Monday, August 18, 2008

We tasted Ohio,... And it was good.

The wine fest in downtown Sandusky kinda Crept up on us this year. Amy and I had been talking about how much we wanted to go, but hadn't heard anything about it, then found out it was this coming (now past) weekend. Lucky we didn't have plans and were able to attend with our good friends Randy and Shannon. (the newly weds)
All in all it was a great time, we drank some, tasted some food (the bread pudding from the yacht club...AMAZING!!) and got some sun. We ran into Heidi, and she snapped a pic of us! (thanks!)

Then we were destroyed later that night at our softball games. Randy still says it was the alcohols fault...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our Busy Lives...

Its been awhile since we last made a post, sorry for those of you who are DYING to know whats going on in our lives! (haha) To honestly say whats been going on... we don't know, we have just been busy and we really don't have anything to show for it. Amy and I were at dinner the other night, and we were commenting on the situation of how busy we felt, but then we looked in a little deeper, and found that, we really don't know why? strange how that sometimes turns out. Oh well.

We had a BLAST at Randy and Shannon's wedding last Saturday. (besides the fact that is was 307 Degrees in my suit, and my pants were the size of a parachute) I really hope and pray that they will be happy! Congratulations again you two!

Well, I am back in the "Needing a car" game again. I think I am addicted to buying cars. I sold my 99 Grand am, and started looking for the next "browne mobile" There are a lot of options, I'm just so picky. but i guess thats a good thing.

Amy and I have been talking about getting back in a Bible study again, But for some reason its hard to find one that we can both be a part of. We are looking to join a young married couples, or something of the sorts, but as of right now, we can't find anything. Every one we have talked to about it, says "well why don't you start one?" Which would be fine, except we have led so many times, we just feel we want to be a "part" of one, and not lead for a change. I guess we shall see.

Oh, our busy lives!

I totally stole this from Heidi and David's flicker album! thanks guys!